Neoprene is generally available in single sided form because the cell face does not lend itself to lamination. Offers very good weathering characteristics & ozone resistance. Suitable for outdoor use. Neoprenes are self extinguishing & exhibit good resistance to hydrocarbons.
Polyethylene is generally used for bonding & mounting applications. Being very conformable they offer economical advantages when offered in low densities. Available in different densities from soft to hard. Usually coated with synthetic rubber adhesive & occasionally acrylic. Foam ages well & is resistant to UV light, fungi & weathering. It does not contain plasticisers & can be used in applications where it may come in contact with plastics. Due to its cellular make up this foam should be limited to maximum compression rates of 20%, after this rupture may occur & the foam will not recover.
PVC is a good, general purpose foam with favorable aging characteristics & offers good resistance to UV light, fungi & weathering. Available in different forms from open to closed cell and super soft to hard density. Usually coated with acrylic adhesive they are long aging & do not harden or become brittle in sunlight. PVC foam is generally flame retardant under compression. The presence of plasticisers in the material may migrate into the product being applied to. Can be laminated with other substrates for specialised applications.
Polyurethane is generally used because of its low cost. Available in different forms from soft open cell to highly compressed forming high density foams. Soft open cell foams have poor aging characteristics, become brown when exposed to UV light, weathering & eventually crumble to dust within a few years. High density offer better aging characteristics & resistance to chemicals, fungi & weathering.